Dos and Don'ts to Keep your Hands Happy

There are a lot of things that you can do to take care of your nails and it can become a little bit overwhelming with all of the information out there. Here are some simple dos, don'ts and tips to make caring for your nails easy and breezy. If this isn't enough, check out this site for more fun nail stuff.

-Let your nails breathe occasionally by leaving them free of nail varnish. Using too much nail polish all the time can cause your nails to have a brittle and sometimes yellow appearance.
-Use lotion every time you wash your hands to keep them moisturized. Soaps and detegents can often be very drying on the hands and nails.
-Wearing gloves when doing housework can also help keep your hands from getting damaged and drying out.
-Strengthen your nails with oils such as cuticle oil.
-Prevent infection by always making sure your set of manicure tools is clean.
-Keep your nails moisturized after being outside as sunlight exposure can also be drying on the hands.
-You can keep your nail polish in tact by smoothing a bit of skin lotion on to them before a bath or shower.
-Keep a nail file on you at all times so that you can quickly and easily fix any damage that may happen.

-Don't file your nails when they are damp.
-Don't cut your cuticles because this may often lead to infection. Your cuticles are there to help protect the bed of your nails.
-Don't peel your nail polish off. This can be very damaging and strip the top layer of your nails. Use a nail polish remover that is not too strong.